Thursday, December 27, 2007

Now *this* is Christmas

As Robin has said to me a few times over the last few days, it has been the best Christmas ever. I'm finding it hard to disagree, as we've been having a great time over the last week.

Christmas Eve was spent helping mum out in the kitchen, cooking, preparing food and generally spending time with mum. Robin came over later in the day once dad was home from work and we started eating the traditional Polish dinner at around 5 o'clock.

There was pierogi (cabbage or potato and cheese filled dumplings), herrings in onion and white wine, horseradish and beetroot creme, baked fish, fruit compote, wine, vodka and much merriment. We ate and ate and ate, with vodka shots in between (you can't fly on ONE wing).

After the main meal I was nominated as Santa and was giving out presents. This year I got a digital photo frame (thanks Robin), a cute FCUK tee, some Mossimo jarmies, more Dior, a Live clothing voucher and lots of chocolates.

We all went to bed pretty drunk, but woke up and I was hungry again. It was a champagne breakfast and mum put on a pretty good meal. Polish saugage plus all the rest from the night before.

Later in the day we visited Robin's mum. It was bloody hot on the drive there and back, but worth catching up with them, seeing some baby photos as well...! The rest of the day was spent chilling out, and last minute a few of the bike crew headed to the beach for a swim, then watched the sun set over the ocean. An excellent end to a stinkin' hot day!

Boxing Day was spent heading into Fremantle to do some *very* last minute shopping, and dinner with some old mates at The Royal. Ben, Julz, Andrew; all who I hadn't seen in ages. And yes, I'm wearing a dress! HOMG!

Me and Julz
Ben and Me
Me and AndrewRobin and Rich

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