Daft Punk played on Sunday night as a part of the Nevereverland tour. Last week Robin and I had thought about going, but with tickets at almost $135 each, that's a lot to pay for one group. The rest of the line-up for the tour (to me) were no-names.
Later in the week we saw the stage go up on The Esplanade, and thought "we could just rock up on the bike and watch from there"... and so we did. We saw Daft Punk from across the road in full view, full noise, full light, full boar and for free!
Robin and I parking up near the foreshore
The set was from Alive 2007 (which I had acquired previously) and they really DO put on a show. There I was, on the Swan River foreshore dancing my little unfit heart away, rocking my socks, jocks and everything in between screaming out "TELEVISION.... RULES THE NATION!"I was buzzing for hours!
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