Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Back to Uni

I have been extremely lazy with my Blogging again (which certainly isn't a good thing).

As I'm also maintaining the website for the ECU Cavalier School of Fencing, it has been difficult to just sit down for half an hour or so and just write. Express. Inform.

I got a letter of offer for entrance back to Curtin for a double masters degree. I must be crazy, but I've been thinking about it for years and I've finally done the research and signed up. I have a place in the Master of Science (Mineral Economics), Master of Business Administration course starting in May and I'm busting to get back into study.

Things have been a little idle at work and this is just what I need to shape up the 'ol brain and get some more knowledge. It's a business kinda world out there, and not much room for "just" an engineer.

I've also signed up for another semester of Swedish classes on Monday nights which starts next week. Again, I haven't had the chance to practice too much but I'm looking forward to advancing my knowledge in my third language. Good things come in threes :)

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