Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Another Virus

No, not the computer type. The maya type.

I hate being sick. My body despises me and all I seem to do is try to prevent myself from complaining loudly every time I get an ache or I cough and it huts. At least I won't be able to pass it on to Robin who is in Papua New Guinea this week *miss you babe!*

The most enormous headache struck me on Sunday morning which then carried on the whole day. By Monday morning, I had a swollen neck, sore throat and the remains of the headache from Sunday. I had the day off work and tried to dose up and toughen up on Tuesday. I was in the office by 0630 as I couldn't sleep anymore. I piked early to head home but stopped off to do some quick groceries so I wouldn't have to eat yoghurt for dinner. I made cannelloni and Mirkz came around to help me eat it and keep me company.

I'm still sore and achey as all hell but at least I'm not completely bed-ridden like the last time I was sick in September. Urgh, I couldn't go through that again.

No running for me this week, even though last weekend I covered 6km. I might do some circuit training tonight if my body lets me, but I won't count on it.

Here's to some lovely weather on the weekend so I can catch up with family and friends!

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