Monday, March 10, 2008

First Hours in Örebro

I've made it to Örebro. 24 hours of flying and another two hours in a car down the E18 highway from Stockholm.

My first few hours were meant to be a hot shower and perhaps a nap followed by a walk around the town.

Instead, checkin was still two hours away, I was funky, I was cranky, I was thirsty. So I called Pete and Erika (and Sebbe and Sandra) and we all caught up at a local cafe.

Now, problem #1 was that I don't do dairy. So what possessed me to drink a coffee... with milk?
Once the pub up the road had opened at midday we walked across the town and sat down for a meal. Problem #2 was that this place was very dimly lit, very stuffy and automatically I started feeling very average.

I had two sips of warm(ish) Swedish beer and got up to go for a walk outside. It was +7°C in Örebro today, which is apparently a nice warm Spring day. It's still fucking freezing if you ask me!

After about two hours at the pub and me going outside about 4 times and downing some powder to settle my stomach, I felt the need to walk back to the hotel and just check in. Ugh, was I feeling average.

So I grab my stuff, check in and head upstairs. On the bed are 3 stuffed teddy dogs. On one it says:

My name is Turbo and I live here in this room.
You can't take me home, but you can buy me at the front desk for SEK 299:-
Turbo with puppies SEK 495:-
7% of the income goes to BRIS (Barnens Rätt I Samhället - Childrens Rights in the Community)

Sleep tight!

After telling Robin, his reply was:

HOMG... you go to the other end of the world and you have a turbo in
your room. How funny is that? You must buy!
Cracked me up big time.

So here are the photos from today!

Old town Örebro
The two love-birds and my hosts, Peter and Erika
Sam and Chaim taking photos
Me, Sam and Chaim

The taxi will be here to pick us all up and take us to "work" for some training in about an hour so more will follow soon.

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