Thursday, March 27, 2008

Back to Work... Urgh!

So it was back to work today, jetlag and all.

I landed at Perth International Airport at 01:40 on Wednesday morning. It was then out through customs and off home to unpack gifts and say hello to the family. Mum was cooking pierogi for me at 03:30 and I ate all of them. I finally went to bed that morning and woke up a full 12 hours later. I was going to be rooted after sleeping through almost the whole of Wednesday.

I didn't sleep well last night, woke up at 04:00 fresh as a daisy. So I read a book "A Modern Girl's Guide to Getting Organised" and eventually got ready and headed to work for 07:30. By 09:00 I was starving and getting restless. I had lunch with Robin around noon which is great also because he works so much closer to me now :)

After lunch I got two phone calls and an email out of the way before I started losing functionality. I was on the decline. I needed sleep. I drove home and crashed out immediately to be later woken up by dad at 16:30 offering bacon and eggs for dinner. I can't eat. I'm sooooo thirsty!

It wasn't all doom and gloom today, it was actually a fairly easy day at work. I got in early and cleared some emails, gave everyone the rundown of the trip to Sweden and Norway, opened up my new titanium Akrapovic exhaust and milled around the office for a bit.

I'm looking forward to spending the weekend with Robin, my family and finally finishing the R1, complete with neons and new muffler. If I get really adventurous I might even change the map on the Power Commander. Here's to nice weather for the weekend!

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