Sunday, January 21, 2007

Bikini Wash!

Yesterday was the 2nd PSB Bikini Wash, aimed at raising money for the MAD Ride. Over 110 bikes were washed, a sausage sizzle was held, boys were waxed and two special gents wore bikinis to raise extra funding. Well done to Desmogod and Barfridge for sticking it out!

Unofficial results say that PSB and the local community raised over $5000 (but I'll update with more accurate numbers as they come to hand).

Desmogod, me and Barfridge
Me and TurboR1 (waxed chest and all)
Washin' the bikes
Hewie: You missed a spot, over there
The Doc's MV Agusta got some extra lovin'
More MAD Bikini Wash 2007 photos by Steve Eggelston and Doug Flanagan can be found here:

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