Monday, December 11, 2006


It was the long awaited PSB BBQ on Saturday morning. The PerthStreetBikes crew gathered on a magnificent day on the South Perth foreshore for a BBQ, a beer and a yarn.

Cheers to TigerLeo (Steve) for letting me use his expert pix!

Me, Matt and Robin
BBQ started
Oh yeah, hot Peri sauce
Maarken... what ARE you doing?The crew
Me and the lovely Robin
Silky smooth Robin with the cigars we bought earlier in the day
Daise in the 'chair summing up the day
Earlier in the day, Robin and I had gone cigar shopping at Devlins Cigar Divan in both Subiaco and London Court. We bought a decent cutter ($90) and a few small flavoursome cigars (namely Chianti and Irish Cream for $20) then the mother of all tasty smelling cigars for $57!

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