Saturday, November 11, 2006

Tiger Lil's

It's 1am on Saturday morning, and I'm exhausted. What a great day I had. No, really. Work was pretty straight forward and I was hanging to go out. Tash had put a note out to head out to Tiger Lil's but somehow I wasn't really keen. So I decided to convince Matt and Frank to come out for a cold bev at the Belgian Beer Cafe first.

I managed to spot Nicko, and Richie with the OC girl (Nicko and I both couldn't work out which one she was as there were two girls) during the night too.

We then migrated to Tiger Lil's where we managed to skip the que. Somehow I managed to dump $100 tonight, but jeez I had a great night.

Highlights were comments on my boobs, Robin giving me a neck rub (resulting in a semi), Daise wearing a mo, Saf and Ryan rocking up being hobos, Matt and Robin giving me "bowling" tips, heaps of glass breaking, feeling up Franks nipple ring and missing out on seeing Tash's boob, Jacob being a sleaze, driving Kyle home to Ballajura via Kingsley, and lots of HO-MY-GAWD and fuuuuly effnik!

What a top night. It was great to meet some new people and catch up with some oldies.

Quotes of the night:
Robin: I've been to Singapore. Trust me, I know the definition of "happy ending".

Saf: Can you take me home?
Maya: Now?
Saf: No, I mean can you "take me home"? *wink*
Maya: Haha! Yeah, no worries.
Saf: Cool. Can we go to your house? Cos like, my wife is at my house.
Kyle: I put her hand down my pants and she was feeling my junk.
Maya: Haha, noone uses the word "junk".

Ryan (to Maya): Yeh-nah. I dig it.

Matt (to Maya): HOMG.

Ryan (to Saf): Like she says "dude" more than you do.

1 comment:

disco said...

yer was good

shame i had to leave early

missed on boobs ohh well!