Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Evolution of the 400

Here is the first (well, maybe not really the first) installment of a new series called "The Evolution of the 400" in the attempt to make it more desirable and road-worthy.

Don't get me wrong, the CBR400RR is registered and has no mechanical faults, it just looks tired.

So, let me start off with a list and I will work from there.
As I go, I will post up links of what I have purchased and hopefully photos of how they have turned out.

One thing that I have noticed over the years is that, even though factory parts are hard to come by on a grey model (import) bike, the beauty of this is that the CBR400RR was huge in the UK and in Singapore, and those markets are full of awesome aftermarket parts like exhausts and fairings and rearsets.

It is a little more difficult to match things up like levers, where I had to use a clutch lever from CBR600F '99-'00 and a brake lever from CBR600F '87-'98.

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