Sunday, September 20, 2009

Kids and Adults

For the first time in God-knows-how-long, Hornet arranged for a breakfast ride to the Left Bank. I remember that last summer the rides were always good and the food was awesome. This time we met up at 0800 at Scarborough and it was great to see some new faces and some "old" ones.

We took off not long after 0830 and headed over West Coast Highway. A couple of us got caught at the lights and then it was Goodnight Vienna. Nobody waited for us and after Spuddy had gotten lost, I took over and took the three bikes for a bit of a cruise through Floreat, Subiaco, Claremont and then down Stirling Highway to Fremantle.

The roads were wet, but luckily enough we didn't get rained on. While eating, some showers passed but once we had finished waffling on, the sun came out and it was time to kick on.

Around lunch time I had a nap and later in the afternoon I geared back up in my riding gear and headed off again while the rain was at bay.

I was fortunate enough to be invited to Neil's 10th birthday (revisited for the 4th time). I must say, it was the most interesting 40th birthday I've ever been to!

I arrived to the party at around 1600 to find a massive bouncy castle and everyone dressed in school uniforms. The party was well and truly swinging when I arrived. There was meat roasting on a spit, pass the parcel, lucky dips, toys, fairy bread, party pies and soft drinks galore! I quickly ripped into some fairy bread and pushed it down with a nice icy cold Coke.

After saying hello to the other guests, it was time for me to tackle the bouncy castle. Neil was already in there and as soon as I got in, it was ON! I was immediately wrestled to the ground and pinned down. After I got back up, it was time to get Neil back, I bounded in his direction and he quickly stepped aside and I missed him completely. I kept bouncing around for a few more minutes until I ran out of puff.

Later in the night, Casa, Jamie and I decided to go have a crack at the skipping rope she had won in the lucky dip. First of all, Jamie and I had one end each and Casa was skipping. Of course, I had to go one better and asked them to start the rope and I would run into it. Needless to say, I am the undefeated run-in skipping rope world champion. Haha!

There were more games and prizes, the food came out, the champagne was popped, the speeches were lovely and then the cake came out. I started the song off and soon everyone was singing Happy Birthday.

I left not long after 2100 to find that it was raining. I was tired and had already said goodbye to everyone so I just braved it in the wet on the way home. The trip from Ballajura wasn't very eventful and not long after I jumped on Tonkin Highway, I found the roads to be dry and just cruised on home.

When I woke up this morning, I decided to get some work done around the house. I basically wanted to get the '400 going (blow the cobwebs out), rip out the dying potted chillies and plant some flowers and replace the hibiscus that had died after being stomped-on by the lovely gentlemen that painted the fence.

After charging the battery (twice), the 400 started beautifully and ran like a gem for a few minutes. Unfortunately after the long period under covers, the grips have started to deteriorate. Also the headlights are cactus. That bike will still need a fair amount of work in the coming months.

Once the bike was sorted, I had to get Mirkz to get the busted bathroom globes out for me this morning as I couldn't reach them. Not long afterwards I headed to Bunnings to get some potting mix, plants and flowers. Strangely enough, there weren't too many people there for a Sunday and I was quite surprised that the whole experience was quite calming!

I baked up some cannelloni this evening and then hit the garden with shovel and all. I planted some snapdragons and pansies in the pots under the patio and placed the hibiscus where the old one was. I trimmed up the lavender next to it and also fertilised the lemon tree also in the same garden bed. I'm looking forward to nice fresh lemons in time for summer and Coronas! (yes, I know it's meant to be lime....!)

Now its time for a glass of Cabernet Merlot from Darlington Estate and soon it will be time for bed.

Another busy weekend, but a lonely one. Only a few days more until Robin is back from New Zealand. With any luck, I'll be visiting him in NZ when he heads back there in October.

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