Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Cough, Splutter, Choke

God damn it. I'm sick again. Only good thing about being sick is going in to work, knocking over the morning, scoring a free lunch, then going home to nap in the afternoon. Two days running! At least this time it's only the common cold, not a debilitating virus.

Things have been going steady, steady this week. I may not have already mentioned, but Robin and I are slowly looking for a place to move into together. It's pretty new and exciting but sure as hell it will put a strain on the pocket. Last week I paid off all my oustanding debts (minus the home loan, its hard to pay off a house in 3 years) like my credit card and its back to saving up full time. It's a most awesome feeling and a heavy weight off my shoulders. I'm looking forward to going shopping for a fridge, a washer, a microwave and one day furniture! I'm also glad to be taking the next step with Robin. I just hope he knows what he's getting into! LOL *hugs and kisses*

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