Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Lady Owner, Only Driven On Weekends


Yesterday, one of the guys in my office comes up to my desk and starts looking at the photos pinned up on my wall. There are photos of me at the drags on the 400, at the track on the 400 and the R1, stills of the bikes, action shots, burnouts, portraits... my tribute wall to myself.

He points to a photo of my 400 (Paris) parked up at Causeway Honda and asks if its a 400, '92 model and if I bought it from Causeway Honda. I reply "yes" to all of his questions...

It turns out that he was the second owner of the bike! Derek had owned the bike up until about 25,000km at which he traded it in on another Honda. It was then sold for $5,500 to someone else at which it was then bought by me for $4,990 with 48,000km on the clock.

He brought in a photo today of the old girl, with ugly yellow rim strips and gold bar ends. I asked him if anything was wrong with the RH bar end and he confirmed that a bashed-in broomstick handle kept it all in place. That's mah girl! He also confirmed that the belly pan had been busted from day one and only the side bolts held it on. I later told him that I araldited the whole belly pan together and he wondered why he never thought of doing that.

Paris is now a whisker shy of 72,000km on the clock and I hope she can do another 30,000 without a single plume of smoke. Most reports indicate that the 399cc engines will do 120,000km's easy.

Withing the next year, I hope to be able to get her back to her original glory and finally get the fairings fixed (or better yet, remoulded), repainted, and strip her down to her bones and give her a complete wash and electrical overhaul. Robin has already foolishly volunteered to tackle that one. On the bling list will be to get some nice levers (ASV), a new pipe (Yoshimura), polish the rims up, redo the heel guards... who knows what else! Maybe even fork out for some race fairings and take her up and race Formula Two. I might even have a chance at winning something.

Cough, Splutter, Choke

God damn it. I'm sick again. Only good thing about being sick is going in to work, knocking over the morning, scoring a free lunch, then going home to nap in the afternoon. Two days running! At least this time it's only the common cold, not a debilitating virus.

Things have been going steady, steady this week. I may not have already mentioned, but Robin and I are slowly looking for a place to move into together. It's pretty new and exciting but sure as hell it will put a strain on the pocket. Last week I paid off all my oustanding debts (minus the home loan, its hard to pay off a house in 3 years) like my credit card and its back to saving up full time. It's a most awesome feeling and a heavy weight off my shoulders. I'm looking forward to going shopping for a fridge, a washer, a microwave and one day furniture! I'm also glad to be taking the next step with Robin. I just hope he knows what he's getting into! LOL *hugs and kisses*

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Slack. Again!

Yes, I've been terribly bad at updating my blog. For once, heaps has been going on. So much so that I haven't really found the time to write.

So here goes, the abbreviated version of all things good, and inte så bra.

First off, yesterday I did my second beginners Swedish lessons with the Swedish School of WA. I'm doing pretty well as I've done Pimsleur's Swedish 1 CD a few times, I've been to Sweden of course and picked up a lot whilst I was there. I'm looking forward to the rest of the course and doing the Advanced course next term! Robin is doing the course with me and picking it up very quickly too. It's such a refreshing feeling going back to school and learning. I sometimes wonder why I don't actively go and learn things. Next on the list would probably be a cooking class, maybe some finance, AutoCAD, something mining related. Master of Mineral Economics anyone?

Two weeks ago I hit rock bottom in the health stakes. I was dead to the world. Well, not far off it. I had a random virus possibly caught from Hornet that made me tired, drowsy, flat and lacklustre. I lived on 3L of orange juice over 4 days. I ate one piece of toast that took 20 minutes to eat. I had to rest after going up or down the staircase at home. All I did was sleep and drink juice for almost five full days. I was always pale and sweaty. At least noone was pestering me from work. What was even worse, was that Sebastian (a mate from Sweden) was in Perth to visit and I couldn't even properly take him out on the town or anything. We did go to Whiteman Park, AQWA and the like, but we didn't do dinner or drinks enough. There wasn't enough time to catch up. Sorry Sebbe!

It was my 26th Birthday last Wednesday but I pretty much celebrated all week. On the Wednesday, I took some Polish donuts into the office for morning tea. It was the first time I had celebrated a Birthday at work, usually I'm out and about jetsetting all over the world. This time, I was still here. Not that there's anything wrong with that! I got some money towards Swedish lessons from Mum and Dad, a nice top from Mum, and Robin got me one of the best gifts I've ever received... Pluto! Mum, Dad, Robin and I also went out to dinner on Thursday to Pines in Scarborough. Mmmm, yummy foooooood.

Meanwhile, things at work are going a little pear shaped. The "Engineering Team" has pretty much one member left, and that's me. People leaving and signing contracts with other departments... but that's how these things go. Now I will have to fight for more money and better value. To say I am annoyed is an understatement! But still, tomorrow is another day and I will be at work as usual, just clocking up time in order to get paid and use the money for something I'd rather be doing!

So, its hej då for now.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

FOR SALE: Alex Steinbach upright piano

So, know anyone that wants to buy a piano?

It's an Alex Steinbach in gloss black.
German scale, in tune, great condition, no scratches or dents.
Comes with red key cover, hinged book stool and buffing pad.
Looking for about $1,800. Pick up only.
Email me if interested,