Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Ah, its refreshing to have beers during work time!

"Stormin'" Norm Stockton, head of WASM at Curtin University had invited me (and the Atlas Copco troops) to sponsor a BBQ for the WASM students. Lucky that it was a beautiful sunny day. We put a couple of cartons on, got out the stubby holders and keyrings, grabbed the company flag and used it as a tablecloth so everyone could see it as they reached for the sauce.

Travis, Brad, me, Norm and Martina
The BBQ being fired up
Norm with his keyring

It was all my evil plan to get another bunch of students (about 50 or so) familiar with Atlas Copco and hope that one day when they're all grown up and graduated, they can make all the big decisions on capital equipment and buy yellow! ^_^

It was great to talk to the students and have a hotdog and a beer or three in the warm sun, all on company time. Work isn't always hard work! Thank god for that.

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