As I sit here nibbling at the dark chocolate Lindt bunny that I got for Easter, I think to myself "what's in a blog?" I mean, I see why people write in them, but what gives them the ideas? Is it just a place to host photos? Is it an avenue to let of steam or be creative? Is it just to tell a good story? Or is it just to re-enact events?
Luckily for me and for my friends, it's all of the above. I read quite a few blogs from friends that are near and far, and I've seen some beautiful photos, read about excellent moments in their lives as well as some truly fucked up shit. And yes, I've even read the occasional boring blog. OK, so I'll never get those seven minutes of my life back, but I've read from someone else's point of view.
I hate reading. No, let me rephrase. I hate reading books. More accurately, I hate fiction books. But I love a good story, especially a life story where things can be learnt.
I want to hear about the time you met someone famous and nearly threw up on them, or when your knee blew out when trying to go for a mark in a game of footy and everyone on your team laughed, or when your favourite cactus fell off the desk and all the soil fell out and it eventually died over a period of weeks.
Those joyous, devastating, embarrassing, stupid, hilarious moments are the ones I like to hear about. I want to see photos of beautiful things, exotic places, new people, different scenarios.
I'm nearly out of bunny so I'm going to move this along.
There's a few blogs that I read regularly, some get updated fairly frequently, some not so, and a couple of which have been canned altogether. Julz!? JB!? I will miss those. I even go back on my own blog and read back on things that have happened and how I wrote about them.
Well, there's no chocolate left, so I cannot go on.
Time for bed, good nite readers!
hey hey sweety... yeah nah, cos of your comment I have revived my blog
Are the fourby adventures coming back soon? I miss reading them. More importantly, I miss being IN THEM!!!
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