Saturday, September 08, 2007

Singapore 07 - Day 0 and Day 1

Day 0 was more so the day Robin and I (we) flew out. Whilst lining up in the queue for Singapore Airlines in our PSB hoodies we were spotted by a fellow PSB member Tony, whom we had a chat with and eventually got us into the Silver Lounge. There we dined on sushi, cheese platters, spring rolls, fresh fruit and dosed our thirst with Tiger. One of many to follow.

The flight was pretty simple, we had noone sitting next to us so I took the opportunity to get some sleep using the extra room. I was pooped because the same day I had already been to the hairdresser for a cut and colour.

We landed in Singapore at 9:30pm and we were soon out the door after stocking up on Absolut 100 and Bacardi Oro. Friday night in Singapore, trying to get across town in a cab? Took us a while, but the sights were worth it. The whole place was lit up, people everywhere!

Rather than hitting the town straight away, we decided to rest up and do a reconnaissance run in the morning. After fears of losing my wallet and finding it in the last pocket of my backpack, we checked in and crashed out soon after at the SHA Villa.

Our first day was a Saturday. It was hot already at 8:00am, we headed downstairs for breakfast then headed out for a stroll to Orchard Road, which is "the strip". Shops, food, cafe's - it's all there. Designer labels galore. Heuuuuuge shopping plazas. It was stunning. We headed to the tourist centre, scoped out some events and kept exploring.

After my shoes had chewed through my feet and my first experience at using a squat pan *shudder*, we headed back to the Villa to freshen up. It was then onto the train to Dhoby Ghaut and on to Little India. Here I bought mum some gifts and we stopped for food. Robin had taken me well outside my comfort zone. I didn't like Indian food, at all. I thought I was going to either get the shits or leave hungry. Must say, it wasn't too bad at all! Little India felt scummy and dirty, but on a closer look, it was probably still cleaner than a 16 year old's grotty hands at your local Maccas.

After lunch we checked out the local bike shops for accessories and bling. Lots to choose from, and there are some wicked helmet designs around the place. Didn't buy anything as I was only checking stuff out for now...

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