Monday, August 06, 2007

Monday's Suck

Which is lucky, because I'm holding my "Monday's Suck" Sundowner tonite. Just a little get together of me and about 15 mates to chill, chat, joke, jest and simmer some with a bev or two. Lucky also that the weather is bog - so any excuse to be inside and relax.

Speaking of luck, I had a very interesting day on Saturday - lucky and unlucky...

It started at 0630am riding in blistering cold to King's Park to King's Park to watch the sun come up and take some photos of the bikes. Robin had brought his whiz-bang digital SLR but the photos just weren't working out for him. Luckily I had my little point-and-shoot camera, which actually took some decent photos (they're here).

Whilst taking photos and parking up on the footpath (as you do) I saw the ranger coming and warned Robin of this, I had a feeling he'd pull us up. He threatened us with a $100 fine, but we wangled our way out of it. He also didn't notice the two cars parked in the 'no standing' park of Fraser Ave. Bikes are much easier targets.

We then decided to head off altogether, Robin had a flat battery from having the lights on when taking photos, and I had a "16" fault on my bike. We managed to push his bike up a hill and push start it, while my error eventually went away.

Now, U-turns on an R1 are an art in themselves, me being short and the R1 having a fairly long wheelbase compared to the 400, I ended up in a pickle, facing the wrong way in the park bay. So, me being me and deciding to get some practice in moving the bike around without me sitting on it, there I was moving it around when Robin advises me that my stand is down. "I know", I reply pushing my bike around. He mentions that if the stand digs the bike will go over. I've never had that happen when I wheel the bike around the yard, why would it happen now? "ROBIN HELP ME!!!" I yell as the R1 is heading over to the right... Quick reflexes and good timing saved the bike from scratches. *I only just had the new oggy knobs put on too* I then freaked out and the shock set in. I'll be needing more practice with moving the bike around from now on.

Still concerned with the error fault, we headed back to Robin's place to do some diagnostics, but instead we went for a walk by the Swan River, taking photos of Pelicans and waterbirds with the city as a backdrop.

It came to 0830am and the bike shops were now open so in we go to Causeway Yamaha to ask if they knew what this fault was. Nope, need to ask the workshop - which was closed. Meh, lets go riding anyway.

Dirty Maccas for breakfast again? Nah, how about Jesters? Yes please! I had to call Sensis at the South Perth BP after we couldn't work out where the nearest shop was. Two yobs with pies and coke come out of the servo and were all "coor, godda luvva chick on an R1" *insert drooling*... oh and something about the black R1 is better looking, whatever... Off to Jesters in Applecross for pies and coke (as usual) and after many a mega burp we headed off towards Pinjarra, Serpentine and the likes. Car drivers were being courteous all day, even flashing us (two bikes only) that there was a speed camera ahead.

Whilst blatting in the sticks, Robin advises me that he's running low on fuel, hangs a quick left and we're heading out to Serpentine... I wonder where he's headed, there was a servo about 400m from that last turn off! We're riding and riding and riding. There's a detour in the road - n'aw, not another U-turn! Takes me two goes but I get it. At this stage Robin is tucked into his bike to save fuel. We finally make it to Safety Bay Road, not too far from the Caltex at the end of the freeway. Not being concerned with the fact that he's now riding on vapours, Robin busts a textbook standup wheelie.

At the Caltex, we filled up, then I waited in line for 10 minutes to use the bathroom. Meanwhile a Harley rider pulled up near us and Robin moved his bike forward. When I came out, we geared up, had a chat with the Harley rider who was impressed that I was on an R1 and headed off. Well, I did. Robin had his stand down and stalled the bike. Yeh, real tough mate!

We rode down towards Rockingham. We dodged the cops. Twice. After meeting Robin's mum and hanging around for apple cake and coffee, we rode to the beach in Singleton (which was so beautiful) to find a few bikes practicing figure O's in the carpark. Lunch was at a local bistro on the foreshore - the sun was out and the food was awesome.

Heading back towards Perth, I think I found some more comfort in the R1, keeping pace with Robin around a few corners, and getting some wicked backfire with engine braking down some hills.

Back into the city for another new pair of sunglasses, we dodged the cops again in the city while right behind them. At the lights with cops in front of us, I parked the bike up and moved a traffic cone out of the way cos more than likely, I would ride into it even though I was looking at it. Meanwhile Robin was pretending to turn off my key - making some guys at the pub across the road laugh at me. When he laughed back at the boys, I reached over and hit his killswitch. Now THAT made EVERYONE at the pub laugh, even some girls that were checking him out. Classic.

After some light shopping, Robin took off from the carpark and nearly highsided but luckily rode out of it. Messy was an understatement. That skid looked more than uncomfortable!


It was a busy weekend chocked with events, but a good one at that.

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