Friday, March 02, 2007

EOM Drags - February Edition

Ok, so I got the fever for dragging again. The weather was dirt. It was cloudy, winding and was threatening to piss down for the best part of the day. But, I went anyway.

I organised the end-of-month drags on the 28th of February for people to come down and have a go. Unfortunately with the weather, and EOI of about 20 people became a turnout of about 8. Which was no drama, as there were almost no cars present, so I ended up with 13 passes down the quarter mile.

I heart teh dragz

Luckily for me, I ran many more low 13 second passes, and ran another personal best:
12.840 seconds

Out of ALL the pages they could have fed through the printer incorrectly... it HAD to be my pb.

It turned out to be a great night, the track was prepped, it was cool and a small turnout. Due to the weather being shoddy there was also a minimal appearance of spectators; meaning I was finally game enough to try doing a burnout!

Do these leathers make my bum look big?
Do a fkn burnout!

Photos above by Troy Coulthard -
I'll have to buy the one of me backing it into the water for the novelty!

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