Friday, February 16, 2007


Being the secret little squirrel that I am, I managed to sneak out of work at 2pm yesterday to partake in an AHG Tuning Day. It had started raining earlier in the day and I ended up riding in quite a downpour to the track. I was hoping that things would dry up soon as I didn't want to take on a "new" track in the wet.

Weather ain't lookin' too good...
I did the first few laps of the track with my rear tyre all over the shop like barcodes. There was slipping and sliding, but the track was clean and there wasn't too much movement; not like on the roads.

I followed the lines of a few others that were on the track as well, just to get into the swing of things. By the second session, I was taking better lines and got knees down all over the place.

As Boonie would say: "Yep, I'll drink to that"
The last session had reverse track orientation, so everything and every line that I had been practicing went to shit! I hate right handers, and having a predominantly right turn track nearly killed me. It was exhausting to say the least. By the end of it, I had my right knee down too. In all, a top day. Cheers to Andrea from Elite for giving me your expert tips, Ryan for taking photos, and Robin for boating with me :)

Seandre in full frame
TurboR1 showboating
Safety first: 3 points of contact
Cheers to Rhino for taking excellent photos! The rest can be found here:

1 comment:

disco said...

secret my buttocks

bet it helps being only a few hundred metres from the track :)

byt he way nice job on KNEE down

want to teach me?