Well, fellow readers, It's been a week since I posted and few event have been and gone over the last few days. In fact, a decent mixture of parties, chilling, adventure and just downright silliness!
Let's start with Thursday. It was off to the
Hula Bula Bar in the city for the Movember showdown. There were many dashing moustaches to be seen, but the joy of facial hair was overshadowed by the extravagance of this stunning bar. Imagine Gilligan's Island and mix it with a cruise ship karaoke night. That's the Hula Bula way. Tiki huts, crazy cocktails, a talking squawking toucan, music from the 70's and the best part: Polish beer available from the bar. Awesome. It was just the one beer and much gasbagging at the bar, then it was on to the shenanigans part of the evening.
Meeting at the local McDonalds, a few of us rode off to *secret location of private property* to um, make the most of some bike tyres. For me, the cherry was popped, but the tyre was not. Which was the correct answer, as I was to get a new one fitted the next day. I still have some small rubber pellets all over the bike. Teehee! You couldnt' wipe the smile off my face! w00t!
It was then over to Scabs for a coffee when one of the workers from the food joint asked if I had been on the girls' run. I hadn't as I had been at Hula Bula, but turns out one of the girls had left her ATM card behind. Turbor to the rescue, making calls; location - Northbridge. So off it was to Northbridge for a juice and a yarn.
On to Friday, where Julz rang me in the morning and asked if I was hungry, the regulation answer being "yeah". So it was off to Han's Cafe for some food, when I got a call from the workshop boys asking if we were heading out to lunch. We caught up in the end and even got the good old corporate card to foot the bill. Thanks guys! On a sad note, I had overindulged in said Chinese food and was so full and bloated for the rest of the day.
Back at work and the boss rocks up a day early (rather than coming in on Monday) - spewin! Luckily, he brought over some Swedes from company that were designers/managers. We got chatting and had a laugh, I hope I made a good impression cos I'm trying to get over there! I nicked off around 2:30 just in time to get my new tyre fitted, brake lines measured and then it was off for fun, frolicking and free drinks in the city.
There was an engineering "do" at Carnegies which included free beers and food (mmm, killer spring rolls, mind you I'm still not really over that big lunch, and yet I'm eating again...) Of course, Ben rocks up like w00t! Hadn't seen him in ages, and he's ever so sexy! From Carnegies it was onto the QV1 party where boring office block people finally get to be ever so exciting. Get a phone call on the way and Nic is at box deli spotting me! BAH! Caught up with Bamber and Nicko briefly, then found Wilson later in the night. The atmosphere there was fantastic, so many people were packed in, but the beer selection was limited and cold enough. Again, it was time to migrate. This time, to the Woodside building for more free beers and much bum-grabbing.
Eric by this stage is getting ripe, while the rest of us are taking it easy, as we either rode or drove. Heineken and Crownies (ew) were coming left, right and centre. We were over it. Onto the Belgian! Julz and Eric decide to stay on, whilst Ben, Matt and I head over towards the West-Ende, bumping into Nic again, still at Box Deli.
The Belgian was mega packed, so we settled for cocktails at Epic and lots more gas-bagging. I had also bumped into Gav on the way out, but didn't hang around too much.
It had been a while since Julz and Eric said they'd come down, so we headed back to the Woodside building and intercepted them heading our way. Oh noes!!!1! we keep going and end up getting lots of white wine. At this stage, Eric starts looking unhealthy. I think its time to bail.
We head over to the carpark and I grab my gear. Eric passes out in Julz's car and I know that won't be a happy ending. Matt and I walk to our bikes where some dude has just dropped his $1100 Arai helmet off his bike *tisk, tisk*. I ride home and get an SMS from Julz "Eric just spewed up in my car" - like I didnt know THAT was going to happen!
Saturday was track day. Julz and I went up to check out Ryan on the Ducati baking up Wanneroo and to sort out my brake lines. Unfortunately, it was a little bit of a waste of time, but going to Maccas for breakfast along the way really hit the spot. Thanks Julz! Got a little sunburnt at the track, but didn't really hang around long enough to get too toasted. It was time to head back and service the bike. After much shopping, Subway and general procrastination, it never happened. Too tired, too hard.
Sleepy time, then off to tart up and head out to the
Western Australian Symphony Orchestra with Rob. Like HOMG, tell anyone I was wearing a dress and you die! I dropped Rob back home then headed to the Paddo where I caught up with the PSB crew for the "Thank FCUK exams are over" party. Everyone was in fine form especially Robin, who kept asking me to dance but he was denied. *mental note: pinky promise was made to dance with him all nite next time*. I hung around till the lights came on and even volunteered to drive some people to the Mustang bar for the carry-on. Splash and dash, now I'm here. Nando's leftovers at 1am - super. In all, a decent mixture of events.
Today, I have a BBQ at noon, and I doubt if I'll be very awake before then. I will enjoy my sleep tonite.