Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Back in action

Yep, I'm back. Into fencing that is. I've made a pact with a certain Swedish friend that I'd get back into a bit of fitness routine in exchange for perverse photos! Nah, not really. But I did get that good feeling in Berlin after walking everywhere for 3 weeks.

It's good not feeling puffed after climbing a few staircases. So easing into some fencing over the next two to three weeks should be great. All my friends are there - Chloe, Paul and Nic.

Today consisted of picking Chloe up at 6.20pm and heading over to the gym. We did about 4 laps of the fencing section and I thought I was going to die. I warned her that I hadn't run anywhere in a long time! We then put on our gloves and grabbed a sabre each and joined the faggety foilists in some footwork. It only went for about half an hour and my legs were dead. Like I said before - "ease in".

After that it was back to the oLd SkoOl days where the sabreurs would rearrange their social calendars over chocolate bars and potato chips. Nothing's changed. The only thing is that we're a little older and things are a little funnier.

After all that, I sustained no injuries, did some running, caught up with some mates and bought $12 of grape juice.

Next session is Saturday from 2pm - I'll hope to make it to that one and push a little harder.

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