It feels like time is blistering past. It's August already, I'll be going on holidays in 20 days! I'm glad that summer will be back soon. The days are slowly starting to get a longer.
Let's backtrack...
Today after finishing late from work, I was in the carpark and noticed that it was the first clear sunset in nearly a fortnight, so I had to take a photo (with the new camera).
That photo was taken with my new SONY T30 digital still camera. I bought two on Saturday (one for me [black] and one for mum [silver]). I'm still getting my head around all the features, but it's a great little camera. Very similar to my old SONY P32 in terms of the menus etc.
Earlier on Saturday Trav bought a Canon 30D digital SLR. Takes wicked photos... Err, Trav takes wicked photos.
On Tuesday I was stunned out of bed when my home phone rang (noone ever calls me) at 5am. It was Trav and I had no idea what was going on. I had slept in and forgotten to set my alarm so I could take him to the airport. (Sorry bubs!) I was wired for the rest of the day and I still feel bad about it. I guess shit was meant to happen that day.
Yesterday I was meant to head out with my two mates Ben and Julian for a meal, but good old work called Ben in a day early. You missed the best burger ever!
The PSB Moto Italiano guys and some of us Jap-bike fans all headed down to the Norfolk Hotel in Fremantle for some good old banter and a meal.
OMGWTFBBQ - check out ein berger!
And finally for this blog installment, I had a presentation today for the second year mining engineering grots at Curtin University. It was for drilling and blasting - I winged a presentation that someone else did in 2004 (thanks Pete!). They found it pretty informative and I was quite content that they were all still awake at the end of it. The 2 hour time slot was only occupied by me for 55 minutes. More tav time I say...! Some dodgy Malaysian noodles and a Stella went down a treat on the balcony at the staff restaurant - cheers Norm!
Oh, and tomorrow I'm playing teacher again as I help out with some software training for some customers at work. Should be alright. I'm hoping to score a free lunch out of that one as well!
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