Monday, August 31, 2009

The Results!

Yes, after 13 weeks of study and a few weeks of hibernating afterwards, I have results!

Financial Management - 70
Economic Analysis and Asian Economies - 82

82?!?!?! Unheard of! I never would have gotten anywhere near an 80 in my Engineering degree and all of a sudden I've managed to rock a High Distinction. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad thing, it was just a little unexpected. Anyway, good news all round as I can now continue on with my studies and rip into some more WASM units in November and December.

Friday, August 07, 2009

One More...

I promise to update my blog soon.

I've been busting my chops with uni work. My last exam was on Sunday and I have one more assignment to go, due this Sunday.

I promise I will.