Friday, July 31, 2009

Hail Storm

Not since Sweden in March 2008 was I this excited. Not snow this time, but it was pretty close.

I'm pretty familiar with the sound of rain on the rooftop, but this was much more noisy. I bolted outside in nothing more than my pyjamas running around the ice with bare feet. It was so cold but I just didn't want to go back inside and put shoes on. Robin also came outside and before we knew it, we were making ice balls and throwing them around and at each other.

With harshly cold temperatures all week and with record rainfalls, it wasn't surprising to have so much hail fall. It collected in the gutters and drains and eventually caused them to overflow. Much of the water started to flow into the house and down the walls near the garage.

The towel bunds we created helped keep a lot of the water off the floors but the damage was already done; the water was in the roof and it had seeped through the ceiling and through the joins in the plaster.